
Price List

General Information

Infront provides monthly subscription-based services that can be customized based on needs. Add modules, professional news, real-time markets and other 3rd party services on the initial order or add it later from the MyProfile service in the terminal. Subscription fees depends on whether you are a private or professional investor. Please make sure to classify your subscription correctly.

All Infront fees and prices are per user per month excluding VAT. Prices includes Exchange Fees unless they are marked with *. On the prices marked with * please go to the page listing exchange fees to find the additional cost. 

Exchange fees for private investorsExchange fees for professional investors

Please note that Level 2 and TotalView data services includes Level 1 data. Services marked with ** required you to accept a click-on agreement in MyProfile in the terminal. Services marked with *** below require that your company sign a direct user agreement. These sources will invoice exchange fees directly. Please read the separate section for a full listing of exchanges requiring separate agreements.

Changes to pricing, exchange fees and packaging are announced on the Infront web site.

Pricelist: Infront Professional Terminal (Finland) - Professional - EUR


Infront Professional Terminal 368 EUR


End-of-day module (up to 500 instruments) 270 EUR
ESG module Clarity AI 65 EUR
Infront Corporate Debt module 193 EUR
Infront Equity Analytics module 204 EUR
Infront Trading module 129 EUR
Infront Treasury module 163 EUR
Morningstar Funds module 102 EUR
Tullett Prebon: Treasury Premium add-on module 129 EUR

Reference Data

ESG Top score Clarity AI (Level 1) 0 EUR
Global MSCI Indices - Updated daily 54 EUR
S&P Corporate Yield curves 70 EUR

OTC Data

Credit Default Swaps - Issuer Markit 177 EUR
ICAP - GBP Base Rate Derivatives 13 EUR
Nex - Foreign Exchange (FX Spot) 27 EUR
Nex - FX Currency Options - Global 268 EUR
OTC Contributed Data - bonds, MM, FX 68 EUR


AWP Premium Swiss News 158 EUR
News: Direkt Premium (SE) 220 EUR
News: DJ Global Equity News w/flashes 242 EUR
News: DJ Nordic News International w/flashes 113 EUR
News: DPA AFX Pro, German 79 EUR
News: DPA AFX Pro, International 118 EUR
News: Kauppalehti w/flashes (FI) 64 EUR


UL NET Trading Production: Add-on Algos/Strategies 51 EUR
UL NET Trading Production: Main Access 37 EUR