Infront business continuity measures to meet COVID-19
Infront aims to provide the best possible service to our customers as always, even during uncertain times as these. Infront business operations are running as usual across the organization and across all Infront Group offices internationally.

We have a strong business continuity plan in place, and have taken concrete measures to minimize risks and ensure continued quality service. Below you will find answers to your questions regarding Infront’s business continuity plans and our capabilities to serve you going forward.
Customer advisory and FAQ
Does Infront have a business continuity plan that addresses the impact of a pandemic situation such as the COVID-19?
To maintain our services in the event of a crisis, we have a robust BCM plan that also covers the pandemic scenario with defined preventive and reactive measures.
What precautions has Infront taken to avoid the spreading of the COVID-19 virus amongst your personnel?
Preventive measures have been launched throughout the Group including employee communications, hygiene measures, reduction of business trips, etc. The reactive plans have also been reviewed and include, among other measures, preparations necessary for employees to work from home. So far we have no knowledge of COVID-19 cases within the company.
Does Infront have strategies in place to manage services in case of a possible quarantine or general contamination amongst personnel?
As part of Infront’s business continuity and pandemic plan, we have defined a crisis team which, in the event of a quarantine or a complete evacuation, will maintain the entire operation from outside our premises.
How is Infront actively handling the COVID-19 pandemic as changes occur?
The management team has established a crisis task force which frequently monitors the development within our company and decides on measures as deemed necessary. The team follows the recommendations of the WHO and local public authorities, with the aim to protect the health of all employees, but also to ensure business continuity.
We are here to help you
We remain available on our regular channels to support you in the use of your Infront products. Please contact your local Customer Support team at or call:
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